IEEE News - Candidates for Election as President Elect of the IEEE 2003

Position Statement of Arthur W. Winston

As President, I look forward to enhancing membership value, attracting new members, and improving our relationship with industry. I look forward to improving the trust and communication among our organizational units and with staff.

My platform will address:

  • Enhancing membership value
  • Improving the retention rate of members including students
  • Improving efficiency of Board operations
  • Providing financial planning and stability
  • Restoring industrial acceptance & support
  • Stimulating educational activities and career development
  • Improving trust and communication
  • Enhancing the image of the profession
  • Ensuring volunteer input and participation and on a global basis

I will bring very important views and experience to the IEEE Presidency:

  • A strong sense of the central role played by the volunteers
  • Technical and business management experience
  • Success in handling diverse and difficult situations
  • Balanced industry and academic background
  • A proven track record of getting things done
  • A strong desire to increase benefits of IEEE membership

I have the vision, drive and experience needed to lead the IEEE, and am willing and able to dedicate the time, energy and attention required by this most important position. I respectfully ask and thank you for your support.


Dr. Winston is an IEEE Life Fellow with extensive IEEE experience up to and including VP and is a member of several societies. He was born in Canada and is a graduate of the University of Toronto where he placed first over 800 engineering students and was awarded 8 merit scholarships. He received his Ph.D. from MIT. He is Director and Professor of The Gordon Institute of Tufts University, a graduate program devoted to the study and practice of engineering management. He was the major architect of the program and was awarded the IEEE Educational Activities Award for Major Innovations in Education. He has 40 years of industrial, academic, and senior management experience including responsibility for the Temperature Measurement System for the Apollo spacecraft.

For further information, please visit my web site

IEEE Canadian Review La revue canadienne de l'IEEE Summer / Été 2002 No. 41

Last update - 2002,02,27 - la dernière mise à jour